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Upcoming Engagements

June 14, 2023 | 12:00 pm – 1:30 pm
Northern Colorado Human Resources Association 

We don't talk about Ethics in organizations and in the HR space as much as we should. As we watch financial institutions like Silicon Valley Bank or FTX Cryptocurrency fail partly due to what is perceived to be unethical behavior that impacts people the world over, or recall the unethical behavior of Boeing that immediately caused the loss of hundreds of lives, to recent public scandals that impact an organization's brand, these examples speak to how unethical behavior, unfortunately, is not uncommon. As we have witnessed, an ethical scandal shakes every aspect of an organization, from customer loyalty to employee retention. All it takes is one scandal to bring down the most powerful and seemingly stable organization. 


When unethical behavior is uncovered, Human Resources (HR) is often called to help manage the damage from the employee's standpoint and the entire organizational structure. For HR, usually, this requires them to support the rehabilitation of the organization from its most important assets, its culture, and its employees and to help reestablish ethical leadership. This presentation will provide insights, tips, and tools on how to be a strategic business partner to your organization as you navigate behavior in the workplace before, during, and after an ethical crisis occurs. 
Attendees will have the opportunity to win a complimentary DiSC® behavioral and communications style profile assessment or an Intercultural Development Inventory® (IDI®) assessment of intercultural competence to include a coaching session, each valued at $500. 

For more information on this presentation and other courses, click on the image above or contact us via email at

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Join us virtually July 24-27, 2023 | 10 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. ET. each day for the longest running national aviation specific law enforcement and security response training of its kind that is now an Airport Certified Employee course. For more information, click on the picture above or contact us via email at

Prior Engagements

AUGUST 26, 2021 | 11 A.M. - 5 P.M. ET | LIVE ONLINE TRAINING

No matter how large or small an airport is, if it has not prepared its employees, stakeholders, and other airport employees to respond to emergencies, disasters, or crises, they will find difficulty in managing these events. Beginning with an understanding of the need to minimize disruption and disseminate information quickly to knowing and implementing the requirements of an AEP and how it addresses essential emergency services and planned actions to ensure the safety of the airport and surrounding communities, through preparing your airport community for these incidents is not only the right thing to do but it is a business imperative as well. How well an airport responds to these disruptive situations is how they will be judged by stakeholders, employees and political authorities not to mention the fines and other regulatory enforcement that can be levied.

For more information on this presentation and other courses, click on the image above or contact us via email at

Roundtable Lunch Session | Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Organizational Strategies
Monday | August 9, 2021 12 Noon - 1:15 PM PT

This discussion will take a deep dive into inclusive talent recruitment, maintaining a diverse workforce, and fostering a culture of thoughtfulness around diversity and inclusion. Engage with us as we dialogue about how to ensure everyone is included in our product from our customers to our top talent.

For more information on this presentation and other courses, click on the image above or contact us via email at

Psychological Resiliency
Bangalore International Airport ARFF, India Virtual | July 2, 2020

At the request of Bangalore International Airport in India, after a few of their employees attended the session that was provided in Las Vegas to the International ARFF Association, we provided this 90-minute course to help their employees define psychological resilience and discuss the processes of successfully adapting in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. We provide them with tools to bounce back from difficult experiences. Included in the discussion is how to be aware of your own culture and that of others while understanding that other cultures may handle stress differently from them. Additionally, we discuss how to recognize the signs and symptoms of incident-related stress that may be mild, moderate, severe, or debilitating or may manifest themselves well after the event has been secured, sometimes in the form of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We speak to the benefits and limitations of connecting with others and giving and receiving social support outside of professional intervention that may help or hinder a person’s recovery from traumatic events.


For more information on this and other courses, please contact us via email at

May 21, 2020
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As a Center for Respectful Leadership (CRL) Advisory Council Member, I provided some thoughts about how to work with respect as your guiding principle with the Executive Director Gregg Ward.


You can see the conversation here.

In the Aftermath - Helping Employees After a Crisis
American Association of Airport Executives 91st Annual Conference & Exposition, Boston MA
Tuesday, June 18, 2019 2:30 - 4:00 PM

First responders are trained to deal with catastrophic incidents as a part of their job. Through this training and preparedness, they learn to cope with tragedy and manage the stress that can be created from these incidents. But even law enforcement and firefighters may have to seek help to deal with what they see every day. Airports have a tremendous focus on security and terrorism prevention, and rightfully so as they remain lucrative targets for those that would choose to do harm. But airports are also industrial environments where accidents occur every day; some resulting in severe injuries and even death. Has your airport thought about your other employees that may be at the scene of a tragic incident or have to respond afterwards? From the employee who assists the injured to the custodian who has to clean up the aftermath or the employee who hears about the incident and watches it play out over and over again via the 24-hr news cycle and social media thinking "that could have been me." How will your airport manage these employees to ensure their psychological wellbeing and reduce the short- and long-term after effects of a traumatic incident? Come join us to start the conversation at the 91st Annual American Association of Airport Executives Conference and Exposition, June 16-19, 2019, in beautiful Boston Massachusetts. We will discuss the process of helping your employees successfully adapt in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress to bounce back from difficult experiences.


For more information on this presentation and other courses, please contact us via email at

Disaster Readiness Case Study: A Response to an Active Shooter Event at LAX - Airport IT & Security 2018 Conference
Amsterdam, The Netherlands / December 4-5, 2018

Active shooter events, no matter where they occur are dynamic, unpredictable, political, and overwhelming. Airports must be prepared for the unexpected be it a terrorist event or a domestic violence incident. Emergency management personnel must study other emergency response events to understand the lessons learned and how these events can affect their individual airport. Recently, airports have been willing to share their after action reports with other airports, stakeholders, and the public at large so that the successes and the not so successful can be discussed and addressed for future incidents.


LaPonda J. Fitchpatrick understands that commercial aviation remains a lucrative target for terrorism and others that want to cause harm or make an infamous name for themselves. Globally, with over 1,400 scheduled airlines, 26,000 aircraft in service, 3,900 airports, 35 million scheduled commercial flights, 3.8 billion passengers, and 53 billion tons of cargo in 2017 that touched every part of the world, passengers and businesses that utilize aviation expect that airports are prepared to respond quickly to a disruptive event such as an active shooter or mass casualty situation.


This conference presentation will address lessons learned, best practices, and tactical considerations for addressing an ever growing threat in the world today and how LAX, through the public release of their After Action Report of the incident response to the shooting that occurred on November 1, 2013, that unfortunately claimed the life of TSO Gerardo Hernandez, and other reports released after the false reports of an active shooter at both John F. Kennedy Airport and LAX, and the Fort Lauderdale shooting aftermath that discuss how airports are addressing areas of deficiency to reduce the impact and/or probability of future disruptive events as well as other professional recommendations.

For more information on this conference and other courses/presentations, please contact us via email at

Active Shooter Training and Conference Presentation
Curaçao / May 27-31, 2018

LaPonda J. Fitchpatrick’s (LJF) understands that aviation and tourism is a significant economic driver for Curaçao with $124 Million in economic impact for the 3rd Quarter of 2017 alone. It is also an important trading partner with the United States and a crown jewel of the Netherlands. Each tourist that spends money in as a tourist expects that airport employees are knowledgeable and prepared to respond to an active shooter or mass casualty event and address the aftermath and disruption that will follow. The key is to neutralize the perpetrator(s), provide aid to the wounded, expedite recovery, and restore normal operations as quickly as possible. This 8-hour course and AVSEC conference presentation will address lessons learned, best practices, and tactical considerations for addressing an ever growing threat in the world today. The course and presentation will also focus on developing mitigation strategies to prevent the impact or probability of future events.

For more information on this and other courses, please contact us via email at

To see the newspaper article on this event, please click on this link -

The Business Case for Diversity and Inclusion in Aviation
San Diego Convention Center / April 17, 2018

                            Generally, when we speak on aviation diversity as airport operators, we think of the management structure, the air carriers,                                and other airport employees. However, in 2009, Burns/McDonnell, an engineering firm that specializes in aviation                                                commissioned a paper on diversity in aviation. They didn't concentrate on diversity from the perspectives of the workers and managers of the airport or the consultants that provide services. They looked at diversity from a different angle; what would the customer look like in the future and what would they expect to experience, from comfort to those that will be providing them service. They not only looked at race and ethnicity, but they also stressed generational diversity and how airports need to be built and prepared for 4 different generations utilizing the same space, including passengers and workers – and I believe 5 will eventually be utilizing the marketplace all at once because we've seen the young entrepreneurs that are starting their own businesses!

Based on the number of projected aircraft orders, Boeing estimates by 2036, the aviation industry will need: 637,000 new commercial pilots, 648,000 maintenance technicians, and 839,000 new crew members, and this does not include airport employees to support the airline industry such as security and airport tenant personnel, and airport operator staff. Whether it is technology that can be used with ease by the 5 generations utilizing the space, the type of music that is playing in the public areas, or the types of concessions availalbe in the airport including food and clothing, airports must consider the changing demographics of both airport users and available labor and what they will expect to experience. Is your organization diverse enough to develop your strategic plans to address these needs? Do you have enough inclusivity that at least 4 of these generations as well as diverse genders and ethnicities are sitting at the decision-making table? Come join the discussion on why it is critical for airports to further their diversity initiatives at the 90th Annual AAAE Conference and Exposition. Click on the image for more information or please contact us via email at

Psychological Preparedness
Charlotte, North Carolina / March 14-16, 2018

In conjunction with the American Association of Airport Executives (AAAE), this 4-hour short course for airport

employees was created after providing a Crisis Management and Communications course to airport executives. In

the latter course, we discussed how major disruptive incidents can have psychological effects beyond the first

responders, in particular those incidents that result in loss of life. Working in an industrial environment such as an

airport coupled with the fact that aviation is a lucrative target for terrorists and others that would want to do harm to seek attention to their cause, knowing the importance of preparing yourself mentally in advance of a situation is key to avoiding long-term psychological effects. When a major event occurs, the need for responders goes well beyond public safety; the accountant in the office may be required to respond to assist in some manner.


In this course we help employees define psychological resilience and discuss the processes of successfully adapting in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress. We provide them with tools to bounce back from difficult experiences. Included in the discussion is how to be aware of your own culture and that of others while understanding that other cultures may handle stress differently from them. Additionally, we discuss how to recognize the signs and symptoms of incident-related stress that may be mild, moderate, severe, or debilitating or may manifest themselves well after the event has been secured, sometimes in the form of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). We speak to the benefits and limitations of connecting with others and giving and receiving social support outside of professional intervention that may help or hinder a person’s recovery from traumatic events.


For more information on this and other courses, please contact us via email at

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